Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Two Years' Eve

I will be giving a talk tonight (in Copenhagen, in Danish) under the title: What's the meaning of gonzo? When writing an abstract for this event a few months back I decided that I wanted to discuss the curious fact that Hunter S. Thompson's suicide is often discussed as a more or less appropriate or consistent rhetorical choice ('was or wasn't this self-inflicted gunshot truly gonzo?'). And I am almost certain that neither I nor the organizers realized at the time that the date for the talk is in fact the anniversary of Hunter Thompson's death on Feb. 20, 2005. But that's what it is, and I'm glad we happened to seize the day.


Eric Beavers said...

Good luck with that from a fellow Gonzo friend in northwest Georgia, U.S. Wish I could be there.

Christine I said...

Thank you!

Mainly, the presentation gave rise to a discussion of the state (and the future) of gonzo journalism, mainly turning on the question:

Where are spectacular journalistic personae created nowadays? And the general answer was, well, mostly on tv - where the entertainment value tend to get all-dominating - and in the blogosphere. Just a few names of spectacularly personal print journalists (Danish) came up.