Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Not going native

So, I'm back from the family cottage up North where (access to) "the net" is advertised in inverted commas in order to clearly differentiate internet from fishing nets.

Or am I jumping to conclusions here in order to write a neat totem story and poke ever so gentle fun at the locals? Ever since I saw the poster I've been wanting to pass it on as a telling anecdote, and I'm not a reporter, but, well, my point is that the tempting totem story presents itself, even when you're just writing a post card. Or a blog post.


Anonymous said...

If I ever were to go native, I think Laesoe would be the place to do it :-) What a wonderful place...

As for "the net"... wonder when the more web-savvy among us begin to use quotation-marks when referring to nets used for hunting and gathering...?

Christine I said...


And as for the sinister perspective of having quotation marks added to all the originals along the way: There's another fine reason for everyone to simply avoid adding those inverters altogether.