Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Fall of M(&M's)

May the reign of Michael, Mads and Morten soon come to an end, was Leonora Christina Skov's wish as she was pointing out how guys like (Michael) Jeppesen, (Mads) Brügger and (Morten) Sabroe are dominating the discussion of personal reporting in Denmark these days.

The latest issue of Danish KOM Magazine (published by communications trade union Kommunikation og Sprog) is a theme issue on rhetoric, and I have contributed an article about the reasons that journalists would want to play with the old topos of modesty "I'm not a public speaker, and yet I will now have a go..." Through a few examples I am trying to show how the explicit hesitation and explicit search for words in a piece of journalism may raise readers' awareness of various rhetorical mechanisms at play in the text and, by implication, in journalism in general.

Writing this piece and looking for illustrative textual material I turned to my stock of examples which, of course, is currently dominated by the M's already dominating my dissertation, and sure enough:

An M was flashing. Mads' this time.

So yes, well, I picked out two texts by Mads, both of them from Euroman in which Mads on one occasion is reporting from a weapon's fair and on another occasion from the festival Burning Man...

They are both good examples, and/but as sure as eggs is eggs: the sound of M&M's falling to the floor won't be provoked by me. Not this fall.

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